The best beginners guide that covers: how to start investing in your 20s, where to invest and my best book recommendations.

How The Vuka Investment Club Platform Works + How To Buy And Sell Units Of The Acorn I-REIT On The Vuka Platform

If you have been keen enough as you move around Nairobi, you may have seen the Qwetu and Qejani brands of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) facilities. When you invest in the Acorn Income REIT  (Real Estate Investment Trust), you own units in the two assets....

How To Use Cashlet App To Create Sinking Funds For Beginners In 5 Easy Steps

“What does financial success look like to you?” This is one of the questions I ask all my potential financial coaching clients. Almost all of them say; “I want to travel more.” “I want to travel on a whim.” “I want to travel more without feeling guilty about it.”...

June 2023 Infrastructure Bond: Bond Redemption Structure & Amortization

Every Treasury Bond has terms and conditions stipulated in the bond prospectus. This document 👇🏾:     Investors in Kenya are used to long-term bonds where there’s only one redemption date (when your principal amount is paid back in full). For example, an...

What Is Your Net Worth? How To Calculate Your Net Worth In 2 Easy Steps & Why It Matters

What is your net worth? If you asked me that question 5 years ago, I’d have thought you were crazy. Broke people don’t have a net worth, right?   I’d have also immediately thought of Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Chris Kirubi, Beyonce'… because to me, some...

March 2023 Infrastructure Bond: Bond Redemption Structure & Amortization

Every Treasury Bond has terms and conditions stipulated in the bond prospectus. This document 👇🏾: Investors in Kenya are used to long-term bonds where there’s only one redemption date (when your principal amount is paid back in full). For example, an 18-year bond...

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